Help Us Raise Funds For Our School!
Canyonside Christian School, Inc. is a private Christian school. CCS holds fundraising events during the year to support the business side of the school. Tuition does not cover all the expenses needed to keep the school running. Our families support the school in so many ways. We are truly blessed and thankful for every dollar that is raised.
November 4-8 | Sky Tree Book Fair

November 4-18 | Mrs. Fields Cookies

February 7 | Daddy Daughter Dance
February 28 | Mom and Son Night
April 5 | Annual Dinner and Auction
April 7-22 | Krispy Kreme
On “Jog Day” we “Glorify God by Being Great Sportsmen.” This is the first fundraising event held during the school year for CCS. Each student from Pre-school through Elementary obtains pledges from the families and friends of CCS. Then, along with teachers and staff, they run for half an hour to show support for the school. The teachers help the students prepare for the run by doing fun and exciting games at recess and during PE. All the money earned goes directly into the running of the school. This year’s theme was “Let us keep on running the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1
Our annual fundraising auction occurs every March. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Mathew 14:19
This is our biggest fundraising event for our school. Our Parent Teacher Fellowship team and our Fundraising Committee team plan and organize the event. We appreciate the local businesses that play a huge part in donating auction items.